works with our national organization on a number of issue areas. Below, you can read about these issues and find links to more information. is a nationwide organization that inspires America to engage the world. Our members recognize that in today’s interconnected world, our lives, our jobs and our families are increasingly affected by global problems. Challenges like terrorism, climate change, failed states and infectious diseases cannot be addressed by any one country alone, not even the United States.

Global Solutions believes that countries can best solve global problems by working together to find global solutions. We believe that achieving a secure, connected, just and livable world requires effective international law and institutions, as well as a U.S. foreign policy that makes us safer and stronger through cooperation. 

                                     Global Solutions envisions and advocates:

A Secure World in which we work together with our friends and allies to tackle global problems that no one nation can solve alone, like terrorism, genocide and failed states;

A Connected World in which Americans recognize the link between global issues and local concerns in communities at home;

A Just World in which terrorists, human rights abusers and war criminals are held responsible for their crimes and deterred from future attacks; and,

A Livable World in which global collaborative efforts effectively confront environmental and health threats

CGS-Minnesota Chapter
141 Warwick St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Updated 2014-09-06

                                           Examples of GS Issues and Activities

Current and Past Campaigns of the national Global Solutions organization.​​​​

The World Federalist Institute facilitates debate, discussion, and sharing of research and writings on the principle of federalism and its applicability to resolving global problems which nations cannot solve alone.

Minnesota Chapter
Treaty for the Rights of Women, officially known as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW
Views since 2014-09-06