Landlord Questionnaire

Landlord/Manager's Name *


Today's Date *

Background applicant's name *
Please confirm dates of occupancy.
Exp.: 5/1/2004 to 7/31/2010
Address in question *
Your Phone Number *

Your Email address
For us to send a copy of your responses. Your personal and contact information will not be shared.
1) Please describe the applicant as a tenant? *
2) Do you know who lives or lived with the applicant? *
3) Do you socialize with the applicant or know them personally? *
4) How would you describe the applicant as a tenant? *
5) Was rent paid on time?
 Sometimes late 
 Always late 
6) Have you received any checks from the applicant that were returned for none sufficent funds (NSF)? *
 1 to 3 times 
 More then 5 times 
7) Have you received any complaints from the neighbors regarding the applicant? If so, please explain. *
8) Have you ever observed the applicant behave in a violent, destructive or abusive manner, including domestic violence? *
9) Have you ever observed or suspected the applicant was involved in any illegal or criminal activities? *
10) Have the police ever been called to the applicant's residence for any reason? If yes, please state agency name and approximate date. *
11) Would you rent to the applicant again? *
 Not sure 
12) Do you have any concerns or reservations about the applicant applying for this position? *
13) Do you know any neighbors that we could contact that may have information regarding the applicant? *
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