Co-worker Questionnaire

Co-worker - Your Name *


Your Phone Number *

Your Email address
If you would like a copy of your answers, please provide us your e-mail address.
Today's Date *

Applicant's name *
Employer you worked at together *
1) How long have you worked with the applicant and how often do you have contact? *
2) How would you describe the applicant as a coworker? *
3) Does the applicant have any problems with tardiness or attendance? *
4) How does the applicant interact with coworkers, supervisors, the public or clients? *
5) How would you describe the applicant's communication skills; verbal and writing? *
6) How would you describe the applicant's judgment/decision making skills? *
7) How does the applicant handle stressful or frustrating situations? *
8) Have you ever observed the applicant display prejudices toward someone because of their religious beliefs, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender? *
9) Has the applicant ever been disciplined for any reason, or engaged in any inappropriate behavior? *
10) Have you ever questioned the applicant's honesty or integrity (can they be trusted with confidential information)? *
11) Have you ever suspected, or observed the applicant commit any alcohol related crimes; such as DUI or drunk in public; or abusing illegal drugs or prescription medications? *
12) What areas do you think the applicant could improve (any weaknesses)? *
13) Do you recommend the applicant for this position? *
14) Do you feel the applicant takes instruction well? *
15) Is the applicant a thoughtful and considerate team player? *
16) Is there anything not asked that you feel is important to note? *
17) If you know of others that may have information regarding the applicant, please provide name, phone or an e-mail address?
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