Minutes from the January 11, 2010

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association

Members Present: Eric Penebaker, Shirley Drake, Charles Landry, Richard Myles, Michael & Melvina Zilliox, Jessie Tobin, Tim Vargo, Al & Betty Siemsen, George Drury, Kathy McCauley, Vanessa Llanas, Bonnie Morscher, Sharon Williams, Manuel Martinez, Kim Jackson, Sharon Williams, Chris Kendl, Terry Bartlett, Maggie Blaha, Lynne Grages, Pat Mueller, Raymond Duncan, Mary Andres, Pat & Linda Devitt, Terry McCauley and Amy Peterson


1.       Welcome - Meeting called to order @ 6:30 p.m.


2.       MDNA Mission Statement - Introduction of proposed MDNA Mission Statement (see below).           Voted on and approved after minor adjustments.

·         “The Martin Drive Neighborhood Association, through programs and projects, will embrace and foster a sense of belonging and common purpose, resulting in a neighborhood that is beautiful, diverse, secure, and fun for everyone!”


3.       Boundaries of MDNA - described as the area from Highland Blvd and Vliet Street west to Hwy        41 (just past 46 & Vliet Street), South to 46th & State & Martin Drive to Highland Blvd.

·         Martin Drive East was briefly discussed which was categorized as the area from Highland and Vliet east to 35th Street. We have been a mentor for them and they have started their own neighborhood association. They are doing well and only had one home go into foreclosure.


4.       Committee Introductions – a brief description and calls for membership were provided for each           committee

·         Welcome Committee – Lynne Grages

They give out welcome to the neighborhood packets to new residents and new businesses in the area.


·         Block Representatives Committee – Sharon Williams

They need one or two people for each block. Most urgently needed is a person(s) for upper 44th, lower 45 & Vliet streets. This committee disseminates information and problem solves for the neighborhood. Their first meeting was in December and they plan to have another on in February where they will discuss recruitment techniques and phone trees. Al Siemsen suggested that a low key approach to organization would be a good idea for this committee.


·         Newsletter Committee – Mary Andres

New newsletter should be distributed very soon – late January/early February


·         Picnic Committee – Shirley Drake

The annual neighborhood picnic has been named the summer sizzle and it will be held on July 31, 2010 this year.


·         Garden Committee – Steve Falsetti

This year Steve plans to add two more beds, a trellis, more benches and possibly a picnic table. He really needs many more volunteers to help this year.


·         Halloween Committee – Pat Mueller

This committee is seeking more volunteers. This annual night time trick-or-treat event has become an exciting tradition in the neighborhood! All are encouraged to participate. There is a need for people to do security. There were about 300 children that participated last year and Pat is asking every MDNA member to bring a bag of candy to the October meeting.




·         Holiday Committee – Raymond Duncan

This committee will do annual Christmas caroling in the neighborhood and possibly an annual holiday potluck at one of the neighbors’ homes. Last year it was hosted by Raymond and siblings and it was a huge success! Everyone is encouraged to participate. Practice or a good singing voice is not required…just a willingness to have some fun and spread some holiday cheer.


·         Rummage Sale – Sharon Williams

This committee plans the annual rummage sale. It is usually held in June. They plan to put out more signs and ads in newspapers this year. Sharon is also asking Block Reps to do recruitment for participants this year. It was also mentioned that the Washington Park Senior Center also hosts an annual rummage sale (has no affiliation with ours) that will be on April 28, 2010, in case anyone is interested.


·         Planning & Projects Committee – Bonnie Morscher

This committee requires a one year commitment. They organize upcoming MDNA meetings. They put together the agenda for our monthly meetings usually two weeks prior to the meeting.  Additionally …

ü       Amy Petersen explained how to get your ideas moving forward to involve as many people as possible as well as the steps to be followed to propose new projects or events

ü       Sharon led the brainstorming session. Basic rules:  no criticism, no details, just a way of getting ideas.  What would you like to see us do in the next year?

§         Food drive for local food pantry

§         Re-designing the Association website

§         Flower baskets on the trees on the street

§         Flowers in streets

§         Grocery store into the Nut Company empty space

§         Get a grant to make it co-op, youth supported

§         Social area accessible after 5 pm, social gathering place

§         Plant exchange event

§         Move farmer’s market to the Vliet Street level to get more attention from drive-bys

§         Flutter flags to draw more attention to location of Farmer’s Market

§         Add “significant” neighbors (Harley, Miller Coors and Police Station) to picnic plans

§         Tour of Homes (possibly on Rummage Sale weekend)

§         Art Center and Gallery

§         Neighborhood Choir (singing at events)

§         Golden Idol (Senior Citizens around the county in a contest) as a way of tying into the Washington Park Senior Center

§         Youth Choir

§         Neighborhood assessment and demographics to see who is here and possibly get a gift card for participating (census-like) (or get a resource list of skills of residents – i.e., cooking, handyman, etc.)

§         Expand or introduce public sculptures in the neighborhood

§         Promote Urban Ecology programs for kids in neighborhood

§         Improve neighborhood recycling

§         Meet at Urban Ecology to see what programs exist

§         Boy or Girl Scouting in neighborhood

§         Another structure on other side of driveway (awning) for the Farmer’s Market

§         Larger signs indicating the neighborhood identity (Welcome to Martin Drive Neighborhood)

§         Exercise facility for neighbor (perhaps using the Senior Center)

§         Match needs of residents with volunteers to help them (like a clearing center) (maybe a Sunshine Club)

§         Curb appeal or “pride” projects, storm water runoff, rain barrels, lighting, etc.

§         More activity at the Garden (Steve Falsetti doing most of the work, needs help)

§         Support Group for new homeowners

§         Playground games at Garden


·         Business & Finance Committee – Linda Devitt

Payment was made to Cherry Homes for the month (they promote our neighborhood to prospective homebuyers – they did a video of MDNA that included an interview with Channel 12’s Kai Reed)

We have $6600 in our MDNA bank account at Associated Bank

We have paid the Washington Park Senior Center for our meeting space through June, 2010.


5.       Urban Ecology Center in Washington Park

          The 2009 Solar Decathlon Building will be on display at the Urban Ecology Center in Washington           Park. Follow the link for more details.



6.       Summary and closing

          Remember if your home has a ceiling mounted porch light, and you haven’t already done so;           please make sure you fill out the paperwork from Pat Mueller for the Light Project. For $25.00 you get a professionally installed Rudd light. If you would like to see how much light they give off, Pat         has one on her office and Raymond Duncan has one at 1260 North 43rd Street. Please take         advantage of this great value.


          The next Association meeting will be held on February 8, 2010 at the Washington Park Senior           Center. There will be an outside speaker on crime prevention and a social mixer at this meeting.      See you there! Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.



Respectfully submitted by Kim Jackson – kim.jackson1967@yahoo.com