Minutes from the March 8, 2004

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association


We had 26 neighbors in attendance with no specific speaker.  It appeared that everyone who needed to address a concern did take the opportunity.

Spring Newsletter

Ada Rouse volunteered to publish our spring newsletter.  She asked if those who want to write an article for the newsletter would please send it to her or drop it off at her house.  Her email is adarouse@msn.com.  Carlyon also offered to help Ada.

April 6th Election

Neighbors were reminded and encouraged to get out and vote on April 6th.

Contact People for Martin Drive Neighborhood

We talked about our activities as a neighborhood.  The following persons volunteered to be responsible for the different needs of the area.

1.     Police person liason - Pat Devitt

2.     Halloween - Katrina Knight (is looking for two people to be trained for position)

3.     Graffiti removal - Frank Kopenski - was re-appointed in his absence

4.     Christmas bows - Pete Hannemann

5.     Liason with Alderman Michael Murphy's office - Pat Sieloff

6.     Liason with Lee Holloway or whomever is county supervisor - Terri Bartlett

7.     Liason with West End - Nelda Womack

8.     Treasurer - banking - Al Siemsen

9.     Dumpster schedule - Pat Mueller

10. Making Connections - Sharon Williams

     11. Agenda setter - Sara Schooley (for at least the April 5th mtg.)

-         Maggie is still looking for a volunteer for that position


Annual meeting for May 10th

 Guest speaker suggestions:

1.     Mayor will be contacted by either Pat Sieloff or Sharon Williams

2.     County Supervisor will be contacted by Teresa Brice

3.     Chief Nan Hagerty will be contacted by Pat Devitt

4.     David Weber will be contacted by Linda Hanig

Our newsletter and agenda will be completed after the April 5th meeting.


Remember to keep the neighborhood litter picked up.


** We want to inform our neighbors that a man has been ringing doorbells wanting to rake people's yards.  The police have been notified and we encourage anyone coming in to contact with this person to also call the police or perhaps notify us about his purpose or reasons for this behavior.


Our next meeting will be April 5th at 6:30.  We will complete our planning for our annual meeting.