Date and Time  
    We want to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to help us with are survey. We believe the information you supply to us will help mold our
website and business to fit our customers needs.
Thank you for your help.
    1.) How did you first hear about our website?  
    2.) When thinking about Big D Printing and this website,
Please rate the following reasons according to their relative importance.
          User friendliness of website? 1 thru 10    
          Ability to find what your looking for?    
          How are the prices compared to other companies?    
          Would you consider purchasing from Big D Printing?    
          What would you like to see our website have or offer?    
    3.)   How Often do you Buy Printing Products online?      
    4.)   Are you Male or Female?    
  .   5.)   Did you see our on-line Catalog showing all the Full-Color  
    Printing items?    
    6.)   What did you think of our online catalog?    
    7.)   Please tell us your age group?    
    8.)   Do you feel you will bookmark our site so you can shop with  
    Big D Printing again?    
    9.)   Would you like to supply us with your email so we can offer you  
    your gift and be able to match your gift to you.    

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